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GPPU Seminar

Studies of invisible and semi-invisible processes at Belle

Youngjoon Kwon
(Yonsei University, Korea)


16:00-18:00, July 21st, 2017


Room 205, Science Complex A (H-02) map


The Belle experiment (at KEK) is one of the two e+ e- B-factories, along with BaBar (at SLAC), and has produced numerous new results on CP violations in the quark sector as well as new precise measurements in the heavy-flavor systems including beauty, charm, and tau. Moreover, Belle (and BaBar) has found several 'hints' that may indicate new physics beyond the Standard Model, which have yet to be fully confirmed, thus needing more definitive experimental signals. Some of these hints involve processes where a B meson decays to invisible or semi-invisible final states. For instance, recent measurements of B -> D* tau nu, its branching fraction as well as the polarization, indicate (when combined with similar measurements from BaBar and LHCb) hints of violation of lepton flavor universality. Since B -> D* tau nu contains more than one neutrinos in the final state, special experimental techniques are called for studying such processes. In this lecture, we briefly review some of the existing 'hints', then focus more deeply onto the processes involving invisible and semi-invisible processes at Belle. We will also discuss Belle results on searching for dark matter and dark-sector particles. The lecture will conclude with the prospects with the new upgraded experiment, Belle II, which will start taking data in 2018.



Contact: Yusuke Tanimura (tanimura [at] nucl.phys.tohoku.ac.jp)