GPPU Seminar
Gravitational-wave Astronomy of Neutron star mergers
Kenta Hotokezaka
(Princeton University, US)
10:00-12:00, September 20th, 2017Place
Room 745, Science Complex B (H-03) mapAbstract
Neutron star mergers are promising sources for the gravitational-wave detectors, LIGO/Virgo. In addition, mergers eject a relativistic jet and sub-relativistic ejecta. These outflows produce electromagnetic signals. I will discuss the current picture of the electromagnetic signals and the recent progress of gravitational-wave and electromagnetic joint observations (possibly the results from LIGO/Virgo O2Run): including short gamma-ray bursts, afterglow of relativistic jets, r-process macronova, and long-lasting radio remnant. The detection of different components can reveal different aspects of the nature of merger events, e.g., r-process nucleosynthesis. I will also talk about the measurement of the size of merging neutron stars through gravitational-wave signals. Such measurements will be able to constrain the neutron star equation of state.Point
GSP 1Contact: Yusuke Tanimura (tanimura [at]