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GPPU Seminar

Alpha-clustering and discrete point-group symmetries in nuclei: How to assess the role of alpha-clustering in Carbon-12

Lorenzo Fortunato
(Padova University, Italy)


16:00-18:00, May 29th, 2019


Room 745, Science Complex B (H-03) map


Clustering in light nuclei and the existence of nuclear molecular states is a very important phenomenon, that is linked with several branches of physics: nuclear forces and nuclear structure, molecular physics, symmetries and group theory. In this lecture, aimed at B.Sc. and Ph.D. students, I will recall the basic phenomenological facts and models related to alpha-clustering and molecular structures and I will introduce the basic mathematical tools to deal with discrete point-groups in quantum mechanical systems. Building on this knowledge, we will discuss how the scattering of polarized gamma rays on 12C can be used to identify with certainty the geometric shape of a cluster structure through the comparison of measurements of the depolarization ratio with a list of possible theoretical scenarios. All the possible outcomes have been calculated and collected in a table (PRC 99, 031302(R) (2019)) that will be explained.



Contact: Yusuke Tanimura (tanimura [at] nucl.phys.tohoku.ac.jp)