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GPPU Seminar

Stellar Alchemy: in the era of astronomical observations and nuclear measurements

Test test


10:00-12:00, May 01st, 2022


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The r-process, the rapid neutron-capture process, is a major origin of heavy nuclei beyond iron in the universe, occurring in explosive astrophysical phenomena with very neutron-rich environments. In the studies of r-process nucleosynthesis, there are several unsolved problems in nuclear physics and astrophysics. This lecture will introduce the basics of nucleosynthesis theory and summarize recent on r-process studies. Significant progress has been made over the last decade in nuclear physics and astrophysics: new measurements of neutron-rich nuclei accelerator and astronomical observation of kilonova associated with the gravitational wave event, GW170817. I discuss impacts on the theoretical study of r-process nucleosynthesis.



Contact: Yusuke Tanimura (tanimura [at] nucl.phys.tohoku.ac.jp)