****************** Final Announcement ***************
International School for Strangeness Nuclear Physics
( SNP School 2014 )
February 13th, Thursday to 19th, Wednesday, 2014
J-PARC, Tokai and Tohoku University, Sendai, JAPAN
SNP School 2014 was successfully finished.
Thank you for your cooperation and we wish your safe trip to home.
Lecture notes are uploaded here.
Pictures were uploaded here.
Osamu Hashimoto Prizes were awarded to:
Best Oral Presentation: Akira Yokota (Tokyo Inst. Tech.)
Possible existence of charmonium-nucleus bound states in light nuclei
Best Poster: Madhumita Dhar (Justus-Liebig-University, Giessen)
Hyperon Interactions in Nuclear Matter
Prof. Osamu Hashimoto (1947-2012) who is the first chair of the SNP School and devoted his efforts not only to research, administration works but also to encourage of young students.
SNP School Incentive Prizes (second best presentations) were awarded to:
Oral Presentation: Daniel Gazda (ECT*, Trento)
No-Core Shell Model for Nuclear Systems with Strangeness
Poster: Yudai Ichikawa (Kyoto)
Search for light kaonic
nuclei “K-pp” via the d(π+, K+)
reaction at J-PARC
Akira, Madhumita, Daniel and Yudai.
(Akira, Deniel, Madhumita and Prof. Imai)
Detailed information is given and will be updated at the following
School 2014 will be held at J-PARC site of Tokai and on the
campus of Tohoku University, Sendai from February 13th to 19th , 2014
hosted by JSPS core-to-core program (Nuclear physics group of Graduate
School of Science, Tohoku Univ.), co-hosted by Advanced Science
Research Center JAEA, supported by KEK, J-PARC center, RIKEN Nishina
center, RCNP, ELPH, HPCI(SPIRE Field5), ANPhA and
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas "Nuclear matter
in neutron stars investigated by
experiments and astronomical observations".
The participants of the school are assumed to be graduate
and young researchers at the postdoc level who have a strong
motivation to carry the future nuclear physics research. We also
welcome senior scientists.
Detailed information with an application form is given and will be
updated at the following
Tentative program of lectures (it may be subject to re-order)
“Lattice QCD and hadron interactions”
T.Cohen (Maryland)
"What Nc QCD teaches us about strangeness in hadrons and nuclei"
H.Gao (Duke),
“The electromagnetic structure of the nucleon and the proton charge radius”, and “Three-dimensional imaging of the nucleon in momentum space.”
J. Haidenbauer (Julich)
“Baryon-baryon interaction in chiral effective field theory”
J.Lattimer (Stony Brook)
"Neutron Stars"
T.Motoba (Osaka E.C.)
“Production, structure and decay of hypernuclei”
S.N.Nakamura (Tohoku)
“Experimental research of hypernuclei”
M.Naruki (Kyoto)
“Physics programs at J-PARC”
M.Oka (Tokyo Inst. Tech.)
”Quarks in Hadrons: From Strangeness to Charm”
T.Suda (ELPH-Tohoku)
“Electron scattering for exotic nuclei”
J.Vary (Iowa S.)
“Ab initio no core shell model - theory and applications”
E.Widmann (SMI)
“Studying fundamental symmetries and interactions using antiprotons”
The schedule of the school consists of two parts.The first half (13-15 February) will be held at ASRC, JAEA (Tokai, Ibaraki pref., the same campus where J-PARC locates) which is located at 100km northeast of Tokyo and 70km north of the Tokyo-Narita airport. The latter half (16-19 February) will be held on the Kawauchi campus of Tohoku University (Sendai, Miyagi pref.). At the night of 19th, summary and discussion session will be held at Sakunami hot-spring in Sendai.The city of Sendai with a population of one million is the center of the northern part of Japan, “Tohoku District”.It is located about 350 km north of Tokyo and can be accessed in 1 hour and 45 minutes by the super-express train (Tohoku Shinkansen). We will arrange a bus transportation from Tokai to Sendai on the 16th and Tohoku Univ. to Sakunami on the 19th for the school participants. On the way to Sendai, a short visit to historical town, Aizu, is planned.
J-PARC site tour
Afternoon of 14th Feb., all participants are expected to join the J-PARC site tour. Material Life science Facility (MLF), and neutrino facility will be toured. All foreign passport holders should fill the Visit Proposal and send it to the organizer before the tour. Those who attend the J-PARC theory workshop scheduled just before the school and have toured the J-PARC may skip the tour but the bus for hotel will be arranged only for tour participants.
Young Researchers' Presentation and Report
All young researchers are expected to present their posters.
Program and assignment of oral presentations at the Young Researchers’ session is here.
Maximum size of the poster is A0 (841mm x 1189mm). Please bring the printed poster to the school.
The organizer cannot print your poster at the school site.
Chance of oral presentation will be given for selected presentations in addition to the poster presentation (Young researchers’ session, 15th afternoon).
Hashimoto prize will be awarded to the best presentation and poster, each.
(Therefore, a chance of winning the prize will be increased for the oral presenters.)
All young researchers are requested to submit 1-page report of your impression on the SNP school 2014 before the summary and closing session.
Selected students will present the report in the summary and closing session at Sakunami.
If your talk is assigned as an oral presentation, please prepare your talk for 12min + 3min (Q&A).
There is no time to swap your laptops during the young researcher's session. Only organizer's laptop will be used for the presentation.
Please give the ppt or pdf file to the organizer before noon of 14th Feb.
Information about the School Sites:
The Tokai village, in which J-PARC has been constructed (at the Tokai site of Japan Atomic Energy Agency, JAEA), is located at 100km northeast of Tokyo and 70km north of the Tokyo-Narita International Airport. The village faces the Pacific Ocean. Tokai is adjacent to Mito City (local government office exists), which is the largest city in Ibaraki Prefecture and has many historic spots. Both Tokai, Mito and Tsukuba (where KEK exists) belong to Ibaraki Prefecture; Tokyo-Narita International Airport belongs to Chiba Prefecture located the south of Ibaraki.
The average temperature in February is about 3 degrees C, and daily minimum/maximum temperatures are about -5 to 10 degrees C with occasional snowfall.
The city of Sendai with a population of one million is the center of the northern part of Japan, Tohoku District. It is located about 350 km north of Tokyo and can be reached in 2 hours with a super-express train (Tohoku Shinkansen). The city features an abundance of natural beauty that changes with the seasons. Sendai is nicknamed "Mori no miyako" (literally city of green), which illustrates this perfectly. The city has a rich cultural heritage stretching back 400 years to its founding by feudal lord Date Masamune. The city is surrounded by mountains and Pacific ocean, making its weather reasonably mild.
Average temperature at Sendai in February is 4 degrees C (39F), daily minimum/maximum temperatures are -2 /6 degrees C. Though heavy snow fall is rare in Sendai, it is necessary to be prepared for snow in February. We recommend you to bring warm clothing with coat.
Further information on the city is found in the following WEB pages.
Tohoku University adopts total campus wide bans on smoking. If you want to smoke during the school, you need bring your potable ashtray and go out of the campus during the breaks.
Prof. Satoshi N Nakamura
Dept. of Physics, Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University,
Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8578, JAPAN
Phone: +81-22-795-6453
Fax: +81-22-795-6455
E-mail: snpsc14@lambda.phys.tohoku.ac.jp
Please forward this announcement to students and colleagues who
may be interested.
Best regards,
Prof. Hirokazu Tamura, Chair of the SNP School 2014
Department of Physics, School of Science, Tohoku University
Prof. Kenichi Imai, Co-chair of the SNP School 2014
Advance Science Research Center, JAEA
P. Bydzovsky (NPI-Prague),
H. En'yo (RIKEN),
A. Gal (Hebrew),
F. Garibaldi (INFN-Rome),
T. Hatsuda (Tokyo/RIKEN),
R.S. Hayano (Tokyo),
T. Kishimoto (RCNP),
J. Meng (Peking)
T. Motoba (OsakaEC)
T. Nagae (Kyoto),
S. Nagamiya (J-PARC),
K. Nishikawa (KEK),
M. Oka (TITech),
J. Pochodzalla (Mainz),
L. Tang (Hampton/JLab)
H. Tamura (Tohoku, Chair),
K. Imai (JAEA, Co-chair),
E. Hiyama (RIKEN),
K. Maeda (Tohoku),
S.N. Nakamura (Tohoku),
H. Noumi (Osaka),
H. Shimizu (ELPH-Tohoku),
T. Suda (ELPH-Tohoku),
T. Takahashi (KEK),
K.H. Tanaka (KEK)
S.N. Nakamura (Tohoku, Scientific Secretary, snpsc14@lambda.phys.tohoku.ac.jp),
Y. Fujii (Tohoku),
S. Hasegawa (JAEA)
M. Ieiri (KEK),
T. Ishikawa (ELPH-Tohoku),
H. Kanda (Tohoku),
M. Kaneta (Tohoku),
K. Miwa (Tohoku),
T. Maruyama (JAEA),
M. Naruki (Kyoto)
H. Sako (JAEA),
S. Sato (JAEA),
S. Sawada (KEK)
T. Takahashi (KEK),
H. Yamazaki (ELPH-Tohoku),
Contact about the school :
S.N. Nakamura, TohokuUniversity, snpsc14@lambda.phys.tohoku.ac.jp, 2014/01/17