- First Determination of the Level Structure of an sd-Shell Hypernucleus, 19ΛF
- Missing-mass spectroscopy with the 6Li(π−,K+)X reaction to search for 6ΛH
- High resolution spectroscopic study of 10ΛBe
- Precise determination of 12ΛC level structure by γ-ray spectroscopy
- Observation of the “K-pp”-like structure in the d(π+, K+) reaction at 1.69 GeV/c
- High-precision three-dimensional field mapping of a high resolution magnetic spectrometer for hypernuclear spectroscopy at JLab
- Development of a low-temperature germanium detector via mechanical cooling with a compact pulse-tube refrigerator
- Observation of Spin-Dependent Charge Symmetry Breaking in ΛN Interaction: Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy of 4ΛHe
- Observation of 4ΛH Hyperhydrogen by Decay-Pion Spectroscopy in Electron Scattering
- Inclusive spectrum of the d(π+, K+) reaction at 1.69 GeV/c
- Development of a Fast Timing Counter with a Monolithic MPPC Array
- High-resolution search for the Θ+ pentaquark via a pion-induced reaction at J-PARC
- Experiments with the High Resolution Kaon Spectrometer at JLab Hall C and the new spectroscopy of 12ΛB hypernuclei
- Search for 6ΛH hypernucleus by the 6Li(π-, K+) reaction at p&pi-=1.2 GeV/c
- Bucking coil implementation on PMT for active canceling of magnetic field
- Observation of the 7ΛHe Hypernucleus by the (e, e′K+) Reaction
- Energy calibration of tagged photons by the d(γ, π- p p) reaction
- Three-Body Nonmesonic Weak Decay of the 12ΛC Hypernucleus
- Study of double pion photoproduction on the deuteron
- γ-ray spectroscopy of 16ΛO and 15ΛN hypernuclei via the 16O(K-,π-γ) reaction
- Photoproduction of neutral kaons on a liquid deuterium target in the threshold region
- Photo-production of neutral kaons on 12C in the threshold region
- Coincidence measurement of the nonmesonic weak decay of 12ΛC
Hypernuclear spectroscopy using the (e,e'K+) reaction
Cascade γ decay in the 7ΛLi hypernucleus
Spectroscopy of Λ hypernuclei
- Exclusive Measurement of the Nonmesonic Weak Decay of the 5ΛHe Hypernucleus
- Inclusive pion double charge exchange on 16O above the Delta resonance
Nucl. Phys. A754 (2005) 455 - 463 (Proceedings of HYP2003)
- Where do we go from here? Summary of HYP2003
Nucl. Phys. A754 (2005) 421 - 429 (Proceedings of HYP2003)
- Future hypernuclear program at JLab Hall C
Nucl. Phys. A754 (2005) 327 - 331 (Proceedings of HYP2003)
- K0 photoproduction on 12C in the threshold region
Nucl. Phys. A754 (2005) 75-79 (Proceedings of HYP2003)
- γ spectroscopy of 11ΛB
Nucl. Phys. A754 (2005) 70-74 (Proceedings of HYP2003)
- Observation of hypernuclear fine structure in 16ΛO
Nucl. Phys. A754 (2005) 58 - 69 (Proceedings of HYP2003)
- γ-ray spectroscopy in Λ hypernuclei
- Neutron and proton energy spectra from the non-mesonic weak decays of 5ΛHe and 12ΛC
- Σ-nucleus potential studied with the (π-,K+) reaction on medium-to-heavy nuclear targets
- 7ΛLi ground-state spin determined by the yield of &gamma-ray subsequent to weak decay
Acta Phys. Polon. B35 (2004) 1019 - 1023 (Proceedings of 28th Mazurian Lakes Conference On Physics)
- A Recent Experiment with Hyperball
- Beam test of a dual radiator Cherenkov detector with aerogel and wavelength-shifting acrylic plastic
Prog. Theor. Phys. Suppl. 156 (2004) 160 - 162 (Proceedings of the YITP Workshop on Nuclear Matter under Extreme Condition)
- g-Factor of Λ in the Hypernuclei Studied from B(M1) Measurement
- Neutron energy spectra from the nonmesonic weak decay of 12ΛC and 89ΛY hypernuclei
- A Silicon strip detector used as a high rate focal plane sensor for electrons in a magnetic spectrometer