Betta fish are my completely new plaything. It can be difficult for individuals to get the opportunity to enjoy a little relaxation. Of course, this is expected, especially since life is so financially difficult. For you to function superior though, it is still still important to find a way to relax. Many people  spend their time at the beach. I at the same  time prefer something a tiny closer to home, breeding betta fish.
These colorful things of beauty where just too good an addition to my brand new home. After some searching involving the aisles, it became clear to me that something living will be a better option for me. Ultimately, the most logical choice was to get a betta fish aquarium. Of course, an aquarium is no good without fish and that’s also when I decided to test my hand at betta fish care.    

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A Look Into What Betta Are
These fish belong to a species of fish which are fairly small, roughly a couple of inches long. The fish can be distinguished by their small size and beautiful bright colors. You may get them at most pet shops and they're reasonably affordable. The common name given to the species is betta however the name many people  know them by is betta splendens or the fighting fish.
In line with the name itself, these fish are real fighters. That’s why they're great fun to watch and make pretty good pets too. Many individuals look at fish as the much more peaceful pet in the animal kingdom. That does not apply here. Instead of boring fish you actually get to see fish in action.

Betta Fish Care - Things To Remember
Just like other pets, with regards to betta care, the important factors to have a take a look at are diet and environment.  These fighting fish like to feast on mosquito larvae, although they will also feed on bloodworms and also brine shrimp too. Food is pretty simple to find though, since there are commercial fish pellets which appeal to their typical diet.
When it comes to environment, a betta fish aquarium shouldn’t really have more than one male fighting fish. The male fish are quite aggressive, as the name implies, and it's still likely to end up terribly. Your only excuse for ever putting a female fish into the tank is to breed and that too yo have to be sure you take it out immediately. Again, it is still essential that you immediately put the female in a separate aquarium when the mating process is done. The best environment for the fighting fish is one that has a big space for your fish as a way to move around, several kind of place like a rock where they can hide.
Fighting fish are remarkable fish and can bring you a load of excitement. Betta care is easy and a perfect alternative to taking care of a dog or cat. Try it out for yourself.

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