****************  FINAL ANNOUNCEMENT  ************************


                       ASIA SCIENCE SEMINAR ON

"Frontier Science at High-Intensity Proton Accelerators"


                    October 19 - 25 (Sunday to Saturday), 2008

China Center of Advanced Science and Technology (CCAST),

                                         Beijing, China

 WEB site: http://lambda.phys.tohoku.ac.jp/asia-seminar/




1. Site of the Seminar


The seminar will take place at the conference center of

China Center of Advanced Science and Technology (CCAST) 中国高等科学技術中心,

Zhongguancun East Street 55 (中関村東路55), Beijing 100080, P. R. China.

The CCAST, which was founded by T.D. Lee in 1986, is located

in the ITP (Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Science) building.

Please see


For more information on the seminar site, see




2. Transportation from/to the Airport


*Chartered bus

Our chartered buses will pick you up at the Beijing Airport on October 18th(Sat) at ~14:20 (for NH905, JAL871, etc.) and at ~18:00 (for CA926, CA928, etc.),  and take you to the Novotel hotel. If your arrival time is earlier than 14:20 or 18:00 by less than one or two hours, we recommend you to take our bus.

Please find IHEP staff, probably with a sign of “Asia Science Seminar” or something, around the passengers’ exit gate in the arrival hall. From your flight information, we roughly know who are potential users of the bus, but we do not wait for all the potential users and we do not mind who take the bus. So please take a taxi or a subway if you arrive much earlier or later than the bus departure time.

 On October 25th(Sat) , a chartered bus will take you from CCAST to the Airport. The bus leaves right after the seminar (~12:00). Since it takes 40—60 minutes to the airport, this bus is for the flights departing after 14:30 such as CA161, CA421,EVA1715,JL782, etc.

  On October 26th(Sun), a chartered bus will take you from the Novotel hotel to the airport. The bus leaves the hotel at 6:15. It is for the flights departing after 8:45, such as CA925, CA927, NH956, NW30, etc. (It takes only 30--40 min. to the airport in Sunday morning.)

 We do not arrange chartered busses for the other days and the other times. Sorry.



From the airport to the hotel, a taxi is the most convenient way. It costs about 100 yuan including a highway fee. You can take a taxi just in front of the arrival floor of the airport terminal. Taxies in Beijing are safe and honest. But oral communication is difficult. You should show the map of the hotel:    


to the taxi driver. Please print and bring it.



Please look at the subway map:


You can take a subway train from the airport. Please transfer at “Sanyuanqiao” (三元橋) station from the airport line to the line #10. Then go to the direction of “Wanliu”(万柳) and get off at “Suzhoujie”(蘇州街) station which is just before the Wanliu terminal. You can see the Novotel hotel when you come out of the subway station. 



3. Transportation from the Hotel to the Seminar Site


Chartered bus will be arranged every morning from the hotel to the seminar site. Details will be announced at the registration desk. If you miss the bus, please take a taxi or take a subway to come to the site (see below).


The hotel is located at 3.5 km to the west from the seminar site. Please see

From the airport to the hotel, you can take an express train from the airport. Please transfer at "Sanyuanqiao" (三元橋) station from the airport line to the subway line #10.  Then go to the direction of "Bagou"(巴溝) and get off at "Suzhoujie"(蘇州街) station which is just before the Bagou terminal.  Please go out from exit A. Then go to the right along the street and walk about 300m. Then you see the hotel at the other side of the street.


4. Hotel


The following hotel rooms have been reserved by the organizers


  Novotel Beijing West Zhoungguancun (北京諾富特中関村海潤酒店)

Address: 36 Haidian Nanlu, Haidian District (海淀区 海淀南路36),

         100080 Beijing, China

Phone: +86-010-8266-9999

By courtesy of the hotel, you will use a large room with a special discount rate of 350 yuan per night both for the single and twin rooms. A Japanese lady staff, Ms. Takada, will be at the front desk and help you in Japanese.

Your rooms are assigned by the organizers. We request non-lecturers to share a twin room. Internet connection is available for all the rooms free of charge.

We request each of you to pay for your hotel fee, if your travel is not directly supported by JSPS. If you are directly supported by JSPS, please do not pay the room fee but pay only for your use of telephone and mini-bar. If you are not a JSPS-supported participant but you share a twin room with a JSPS-supported participant, payment of the hotel room is a bit complicated. We will tell each of you what to do at the registration desk.

If you depart on Saturday, it is recommended to check out at night on Friday, so as to avoid congestion at the front desk in the morning on Saturday

  In case you need to change or cancel your hotel reservation, please inform H. Tamura

(tamura@lambda.phys.tohoku.ac.jp) as soon as possible.



5. Scientific Program


The final version of the main program is ready:


(2 pages in pdf file)


The workshop program is as follows.


(A1),(A2) Material and Life Scienec Workshop

Conveners: K. Yamada (Tohoku U.), Dongfeng Chen (CIAE)
Lectures: 25 min. each
Young Participants' Presentation: 5 min. oral preview + poster session
See the main program shown above.


(B) Particle and Nuclear Physics Workshop

Conveners: H. Tamura (Tohoku U.), Meng Jie (Pekin U.)
Lecturs: 20--30 min. each
Young Participants' Presentation: 5 min. oral preview + poster session
Workshop (B) program is:  



All the young participants are requested to prepare a poster. It has to be smaller than 130 cm (Hor.) x 90cm (Ver.). Since there is no printer available for the participants, please print it out in your institute and bring it. We will announce you in Beijing when and how long you need to show your poster.



6.  Preparation of Cash

  Please change some money into Chinese yuan for your payment of the excursion, the evening event, your dinners on Saturday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, taxi and subway, and so on. At the bank in the airport, a large transaction fee is charged in each time of money change independently of the amount of money. So it is recommended to combine your money with other participants’ money and change together, if you find some other participants at the airport.

You can find restaurants in and around the hotel. Dinner costs 30~150 yuan per person. Note that all the lunches and two banquets are free of charge for the registered participants, and breakfast is included in the hotel fee.



7. Social Events


* Banquet

The welcome banquet will be held on Sunday in the seminar site, and the farewell banquet will be held on Friday at an outside restaurant. All the registered participants are invited.


* Excursion

We will visit the Badaling Great Wall in the afternoon on Wednesday.

Participants in the excursion are requested to pay 200 yuan at the registration desk.


* Some more social events will be arranged by the organizers. If you join it, please pay at the registration desk.



8. On-Site Registration


The registration desk will be open during the seminar near the seminar room.

In addition, on October 18th, the registration desk for people from overseas

will be open in the lobby of the Novotel hotel.

At the registration desk, participants will receive a program, an abstract booklet, etc. Tickets for the excursion and the evening show will be sold there.

  Some Japanese who will be financially supported by KEK/JAEA (not by JSPS), and almost all the Koreans and Taiwanese who will be supported by JSPS, will get a reimbursement of their flight fee. Please submit a receipt of the ticket purchase at the registration desk.



9. Correspondence


In case of trouble, please call to the following phone numbers:

 Novotel hotel: 010-8266-9999  (Ms. Takada)

Organizer: ********(to be announced soon later)

 JSPS Beijing office: 010-6253-8664 (Mr. Tsuruo, Ms. Li)


If not urgent, please email to

http://lambda.phys.tohoku.ac.jp/asia-seminar/  (Prof. H. Tamura)


dongfeng@ciae.ac.cn (Prof. Chen Dongfeng)
