Syllabus 2022

In the Japanese fiscal year of 2022, there are twelve courses that you can select,
 A1 (Dr. Akiyama, March 2023)
 A2 (Dr. Hattori, Summer 2022)
 A3 (Dr. Hattori, Second semester)
 A4 (Dr. Akiyama, Summer 2022)
 N1 (Drs. Ishidoshiro and Miwa, November 2022)
 N2 (Dr. Miwa, August - September 2022)
 N3 (Dr. Kaneta, Second semester)
 P1 (Dr. Ikeda, Second semester)
 P3 (Dr. Ishidoshiro, Held in odd-numbered financial years)
 P4 (Dr. Shimizu, Summmer 2022)
 P5 (Drs. Ichikawa and Nakamura, Summer 2022)
 P6 (Dr. Kishimoto, Summer 2022)
 P7 (Dr. Ishidoshiro, Winter)

2021 , 2020 , 2019

Syllabuses can be downloaded below:

Particle Physics

P1 (GEP=3): Geant4 simulation science
Instructor: Dr. Haruo Ikeda (, RCNS Annex I 03 room 122)

This class will give a basic overview on the main characteristics of the Geant4 Monte Carlo toolkit. Theoretical lessons will be coupled to practical exercises that will give the possibility to the student to move the first steps with the code, from the installation, to the run of a simple application. GPPU prepares a laptop linux PC with geant4 installation.

Students will learn basic geant4 coding method (running geant4, geometry construction, primary particles definition, physics lists definition and scoring results) with lectures, write simple example codes by themselves, and analyzing the Monte Carlo results. Finally, students will make simple Monte Carlo simulation and present their simulation results. This class will help students to make and analyze their own Monte Carlo simulations.

[1] GEANT4 – a simulation toolkit: S. Agostinelli et al., Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 506, 250-303 (2003).

P3 (GEP=4): Superconducting detector
Instructor: Dr. Koji Ishidoshiro (, RCNS Annex 221)

P4 (GEP=4): Scintillation detector development
Instructor: Dr. Itaru Shimizu (, Research Center for Neutrino Science, room 205, 022-795-6724)

The scintillation detection is a widely-used technique in foremost large-scale experiments in the world, relatively cost-effective and multipurpose, so there has been made ongoing efforts on various developments to improve the experimental sensitivities. Actually, a large liquid scintillator detector (KamLAND) has established a new world record in the neutrino mass sensitivity utilizing a unique low-background technique developed in Tohoku University.

In this experiment, you will learn the principal and the device design of the scintillation detection in lectures and experiments, and master the practical technique adaptable to the particle and nuclear physics experiments in the future. This course consists of lectures and experiments in 4 days, containing the following items, understanding of light-output and transfer mechanism, particle identification, measurement of neutron capture time, data acquisition and analysis.

[1] Measurement principle: Principle of liquid scintillation spectrometry, National Diagnostics (2004).
[2] Measurement of time constant, particle identification: Application example for elementary particle experiment: P. Lombardi et al., Nucl. Inst. Meth. A 701 133 (2013).
[3] Application plan for large neutrino experiment: M. Wurm et al., Astropart. Phys. 35, 685 (2012).

P5 (GEP=4): Development of SiPM readout electronics
Instructor: Drs. Atsuko Ichikawa ( and Kiseki Nakamura (, Physics & Chemistry Annex 1st floor)

In this course, you will learn the basics of the analogue and digital pulse processing and the I/O between an electronics board and a computer by actually designing and building a multi-channel signal readout system of the SiPM photon detector. The SiPM, also known as MPPC, is a one-photon sensitive device. It is now widely used for the particle detectors because of the high efficiency, large gain and low cost. To take full advantage of these, it is desired that the readout electronics board is low cost can read out multiple channels. In this course, we will design such an electronics board consisting of amplifier, peak-hold circuit, multiplexer and ADC. The board will be controlled and readout by Raspberry Pi. Electronics circuit simulation will be conducted to confirm the function of the board. Then, we will build the board and test the performance.

[2] "The T2K fine-grained detectors", P.A. Amaudruz et al., Nucl.Instrum.Meth.A 696 (2012) 1, DOI:10.1016/j.nima.2012.08.020

P6 (GEP=4): Microwave technology for particle and astroparticle physics
Instructor: Dr. Yasuhiro Kishimoto (, Research Center for Neutrino Science)

Microwave plays important roles in experimental particle physics. The most typical one is accelerator cavity and in recent years, microwave measurements themselves are the observables, such as CMB and dark matter search for axion/hidden photon. In this course, the students acquire basic knowledge of microwave and some measurement techniques through an experiment on a superconducting microwave cavity. The students also get knowledge on the super conductor.

Microwaves have been used in particle physics and astro-particle physics. One of the traditional examples is microwave accelerator cavity, and newer one is a experimental search for Axion, dark photons, etc. In this course, we will conduct basic experiments on a superconducting microwave cavity, which is used in the above two examples, and learn their principles and applications.
  • Microwave technology and particle physics
  • Basic of microwave and microwave cavity
  • Experimental setups (Vector Network Analyzer and Cryostat)
  • Transmission (S21) measurement of a superconducting cavity

[2] Calculation for Cosmic Axion Detection, L. Krauss et al.,PRL 55, 17 (1985), p1797
[3] WISPy Cold Dark Matter, P. Arias et al.,DOI: 10.1088/1475-7516/2012/06/013
[6] Q factor measurements, analog and digital, D. Kajefz
[9] S-Parameter Design, Agilent AN 154 (

P7 (GEP=4): FPGA training course 2 (SoC for data taking and DSP)
Instructor: Dr. Koji Ishidoshiro (, Research Center for Neutrino Science)

In recent years, SoC (System on a Chip) that integrates FPGA and CPU has been used in a wide range of fields. Modern SoCs also include high-speed ADCs and DACs. These SoCs are used in radio astronomy, digital radio, quantum computer control, and so on. These developments require knowledge of AXI, DMA, Linux, etc., in addition to conventional FPGA development. Arbitrary waveform generation function and spectrum measurement on SoC are treated as examples.In this course, you will learn the basics of SoC, AXI and DMA handling. You will develop the code for data taking from front-end to a host computer. You are strongly recommended to get the FPGA training course 1 before getting this course.

Nuclear Physics

N1 (GEP=3): FPGA training course
Instructors: Drs. Koji Ishidoshiro (, RCNS Annex 221) and Koji Miwa (miwa9_at_lambda,

Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) is one of key components for digital signal processing in the experiments of particle and nuclear physics. For the development of FPGA circuits, knowledge of digital circuits and implementation methods to FPGA is required. This course focus to introduce the latter experience.

In this course, we will use Xilinx Artix-7 FPGA with Vivado. The students are expected to install Vivado on their computers before the course. We do not recommend to use virtual machine.

[1] Textbook:
[2] Reference: The latest version will be announced.

N2 (GEP=4): Scintillator hodoscope array read by multi-pixel photon sensor (MPPC)
Instructor: Dr. Koji Miwa (

The new photon sensor, MPPC, has many pixels of avalanche photo diode (APD) in the sensitive area and the MPPC signal is the sum of all fired APD. By operating each APD in the Geiger mode, MPPC can have an enough large gain to detect a single photon. The sensitive area of MPPC is rather small (typical size is 1 x 1 mm2). However, MPPC can be operated in the magnetic field and its cost is rather low. Therefore MPPC is one of the best photon sensors to read out fine segmented scintillation detectors such as scintillation fiber detector.

In this lecture, we obtain the skill to operate multi MPPCs by using the EASIROC board which was developed for this purpose. At first, we evaluate the basic performance and features of MPPC such as the relation between the operation voltage and signal gain. Then, we move to the readout of the scintillator hodoscope array with MPPC.

In this detector, a wave length shifting (WLS) fiber is embedded in the hole made on the surface of the scintillator. The scintillator hodoscope array consists of 128 scintillators with WLS fibers and has a layer configuration of 8 segments for X direction and 8 segments for Y direction. We try to read out the 128 channels of MPPCs with EASIROC board. As an advanced course, by making the special trigger with FPGA module, we try to measure the angular distribution of comic ray or the life time of the cosmic ray muon.

[1] 次世代光検出器Pixelated Photon Detector : 生出秀行、音野瑛俊、山下了、日本物理学会誌 第66巻第01号 p.20.
[2] A beam position fiber counter with scintillation fibers and multi-pixel photon counter for high intensity beam operation: R. Honda et al., Nucl. Inst. Meth A 787 157 (2015).

N3 (GEP=4): Basic of data acquisition, detector technique, and data analysis
Instructor: Dr. Masashi Kaneta (, Science Complex A, 6F, Rm. 642)

Recent high energy particle physics, like Large Hadron Collider (LHC) experiment at CERN, has a few hundred to a few thousand people in the collaboration. The tasks are separated to specialist, and it is difficult to underst and whole system (detectors, data acquisition, trigger,and analysis framework) by one person. On the other hand, the experimental physicist in elementary particle/nuclear physics filed should have an experience of construction of test bench for detector test. The knowledge will be requisite to design an experiment and to be a group leader. You will learn the following items in this course.
  1. Construction of a test bench for detector test using cosmic ray.
  2. Assembling of a plastic scintillator hodoscope and silicon photomultiplier (SiPM)
  3. Performance test of timing resolution by cosmic ray.
We plan to analyze the Time-of-Flight (TOF) information from three hodoscopes to evaluate timing resolution. The data on VME module is a binary data and need to know how to treat those data on memory. Using a simple program written by C/C++, you will learn how to access VME memory. ROOT which is a framework for data processing and born at CERN will be used for analyses. SiPM is a solid-state photomultiplier comprised of a high-density matrix of Geiger mode-operated avalanche photodiodes. We had been used Photomultiplier tube (PMT) for the photon detection in many years. The normal PMT has a weakness in that it could not operate in a magnetic field. Because of silicon sensor, SiPM can be operated in a magnetic field. Additionally, SiPM has the advantage of being small.


A1 (GEP=4): Measurements on optical aberrations by assembling an optical system
Instructor: Dr. Masayuki Akiyama (, Science Complex C, 5F, S514)

Optical systems for observations of the universe are always affected by aberrations caused by various origins in the systems. Moreover, ground-based observations are affected by aberrations caused by fluctuation and turbulence in the atmosphere. Due to the aberrations, object images on a detector will be distorted from the ideal diffraction-limited pattern. Because observations of the universe are moving toward higher spatial resolution with larger lens/mirror/dish, understanding of the aberrations becomes more critical in the observations not only in the optical/visible wavelength, but also in the UV, IR, and mm wavelengths.

In this course, at first the relation between aberrations in an image and distortions in the optical wavefront is explained through Fourier optics as a lecture, then participants will conduct an optical experiment to measure the distorted optical wavefront. Obtained images are analyzed through your own C programs, and the distortion in the measured wavefront will be evaluated.

FIG. Examples of wavefront sensor images (left) and estimated optical wavefronts from the images (right). The sensor images are analyzed with your own code to estimate the distorted wavefront.
[1] General background: “OPTICS”, Hecht
[2] Fourier optics: “Introduction to Fourier Optics”, Goodman
[3] Wavefront measurements: “Principles of Adaptive Optics”, Tyson
[4] Adaptive optics application to the astronomy: “Adaptive Optics for Astronomy”, Davies, R., and Kasper, M. 2012, ARA&A, 50, 305

A2 (GEP=4): Measurements of complex dielectric constants of samples in millimeter wave bands using Martin-Puplett type Fourier Transform Spectrometer with high sensitive Millimeter-wave bolometers
Instructor: Dr. Makoto Hattori (

   MP-FTS is a broad band absolute spectrometer which has played important role in wide field of astronomy, cosmology and calibrating detector systems in the wave bands longer than far infrared wave bands. The FIRAS instrument mounted on COBE satellite[3] is one of the most famous applications of MP-FTS. It measured spectrum of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation and showed that it follows the perfect black body spectrum with temperature of 2.725K. This result has confirmed that our universe has been evolved following the description of the standard big band theory. A photo of the MP-FTS which is used in this experiment is shown in right panel. MP-FTS does not lose value and is still active in observational astronomy and cosmology fields.
    In this course, the application of the MP-FTS to the measurements of the frequency dependence of complex dielectric constants of samples against millimeter wave at room temperature and liquid Nitrogen temperature is experienced. Millimeter wave high sensitive bolometer with Nitrogen Trans Doped Germanium (NTD-Ge) semiconductor thermistor is used as detector. A photo of inside of detector cryostat, which is wet dwar, is shown in left panel. Scenery of the measurement is shown in right panel. An example of the sample measurement auto-correlation fringe is shown in left panel. An example Obtained frequency dependence of the transmittance of a sample against millimeter waves is shown in right panel. Beat signals found in the fringe and sinusoidal pattern found in the transmittance are caused by Fabry-Perot intereference effect. By fitting the transmittance, refractive index and absorption coefficient, that is real and imaginary part of dielectric constant, are obtained.
Textbook and References
[1] MP-FTS: Martin,D.H. and Puplett,E., Infrared Phys., 10, 105 (1969).
[2] Detector: G.H.Rieke, Detection of light, Cambridge Univ. Press, 1994.
[3] Application example for cosmology: J.C.Mathor et al., ApJ, 420, 439 (1994).
[4] Optics: M.Born and E.Wolf, Principles of Optics, Sections 1 and 7 (1974).

A3 (GEP=4): CMB temperature measurement
Instructor: Dr. Makoto Hattori (

coming soon
Textbook and References

A4 (GEP=3): Parallel computing for science data analysis
Instructor: Dr. Masayuki Akiyama (, Science Complex C,5F, S514)

With the spread of CPUs with multi cores and GPUs with many cores, parallel computing has become a popular means of speeding up scientific calculations. With the development of the fast and many elements measurement systems, amount of data necessary to be reduced exponentially growing for various scientific experiments. The increase of the amount of data also increase the size of the problem needs to be solved. Furthermore, more complicated calculations are applied to the massive data to reflect the details of the real experiments. In order to reduce such large amount of raw data and apply more sophisticated analysis in a realistic time scale, parallel computing has been a cost effective choice.
In this lecture, the background of the parallel computing is introduced, then the parallel computing methods with multi core CPUs and GPGPUs are discussed. For the parallel computing with multi-core CPU and GPGPU, coding with OpenMP and CUDA environments are explained, respectively. After testing the programming environment, two topics are discussed as the application of the parallel computing: 1) analyzing image data, and 2) solving inverse problem with large number of datase
Textbook and References
[1] General background reading for inverse problems:"Discrete Inverse Problems -Insight and Algorithms", Per Chistain Hansen

Contact →
Hideyoshi Ozaki
 Office: Annex I-03 Rm. 121, Research Center for Neutrino Science, Tohoku University
 Tel: 022-795-6727