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GPPU School

GPPU Schools

GPPU Schools in 2025

Previous Schools

GPPU school 2017 (Strangeness Nuclear Physics school 2017) has taken place.

Hashimoto Prize and ANPhA 1st Prize have been awarded to Yuichi Toyama (GPPU D1, Nuclear Experiment), and SNP School Incentive Prize and ANPhA 2nd Prize have been awarded to Masaaki Tokieda (GPPU M2, Nuclear Theory).

School photo
Lecture by Prof. Baha Balantekin
Prize winners

GPPU school 2018 (Strangeness Nuclear Physics school 2018) has taken place.

SNP School Incentive Prize has been awarded to Yuto Kamei (GPPU M2, Research Center for Neutrino Science).

School photo
Prize winners



Kazuhiro Watanabe / 渡邉和宏 page YT
kazuhiro.watanabe.b8 [at] tohoku.ac.jp