The main program (final version) is here. In the morning, plenary lectures on various science fields and subjects related to J-PARC and other proton accelerators are given by leading scientists in each field including world-famous scientists such as Prof. T. D. Lee and Prof. M. Kobayashi. The plenary lectures are intended to give a general view of each field to all the participants including those in different fields. In the afternoon we will have workshop sessions in parallel. Several lectures on important topics in each field are given by leading scientists in the field, which are followed by presentations and discussions by young participants. Workshop Session
The workshop sessions will be held in the afternoon of Monday, Tuesday,
Thursday, and Friday as parallel sessions for (A1),(A2) material/life
science and (B) particle/nuclear physics.
(In the material/life science workshop, the two sessions (A1) and (A2)
run in parallel on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday.)
All the non-lecturers are requested to give a poster presentation.
In addition to the poster presentation, the convener of the workshop
session may ask (some of) them to make a short oral presentation.
A one-page abstract should be submitted to:
(A1),(A2) Material and Life Scienec Workshop
Conveners: K. Yamada (Tohoku U.), Dongfeng Chen (CIAE) (B) Particle and Nuclear Physics Workshop
Conveners: H. Tamura (Tohoku U.), Meng Jie (Pekin U.)
Lecturs: 20--30 min. each
Young Participants' Presentation: 5 min. oral preview + poster session